The City of Opp’s Beautification Efforts Prepare It for Opp-ortunity in Covington County

18 Sep 2024
Residents of Opp, located on the Eastern side of Covington County, Alabama, have noticed several changes around town in recent years. The city has invested in significant beautification efforts to improve the quality of life of locals while attracting visitors, businesses, and future residents to the area.
“I think pretty counts and we are really working on cleaning up Opp to make it better,” says Becky Bracke, Mayor of Opp since 2017. Highways 331 and 84 connect in Opp, making it a valuable thoroughfare for shipping and a favorite connection for recreational travels, the Beach Highway. Mayor Bracke wants to make Opp the type of place that people want to stop in and eventually move to.
The City of Opp is a stand-out part of Covington County. Read how this town of nearly 7,000 residents has changed in recent years and why its future is bright.
The City of Opp Invests in Beautification and Recreation
The local government's investment in Opp highlights how small quality-of-life improvements can add up to have a big impact. To attract more people to the area, Mayor Bracke worked with town officials and donors to install large signs around highways 331 and 84. These were strategically placed around important intersections to let drivers know when they were entering Opp. The city also improved lighting in the area so drivers knew they were visiting a safe town that was ideal to stop in.
Other beautification efforts include adding plants and flowers throughout town and investing in various cleanup projects. Fresh coats of paint on government buildings and pressure-washed sidewalks make the city gleam. Residents can feel proud of where they live.
“I always tell people to think of something you can do to benefit the community and take steps to make it happen,” says Mayor Bracke. This is how beautification efforts start as ideas but then turn into beneficial realities.
Of course, Opp is more than just a beautiful town. The local government has also invested in other quality-of-life improvements that make Opp a more enjoyable place to live. Kids can play at the splash pad at Donaldson Park, while residents of all ages can play pickleball at the Opp Sports Complex. Lake Frank Jackson, a 2,050-acre state park, is a top fishing destination in the region. Pack a picnic and stay for an afternoon, or enjoy the RV hookups and other camping amenities for a longer getaway.
Opp Offers Multigenerational Support and a Family-Focused Culture
Mayor Bracke played an important role in the City of Opp even before she had political aspirations. She opened a daycare in Opp that has been in business for 47 years, supporting parents who needed someone to watch their kids while they went to work. Then, seeing the need to age in place, Mayor Bracke opened an assisted living facility near the daycare. It has been open for 24 years and allows people who grew up in Opp to enjoy their final years there.
“I tell young people that if they have a drive, they can do anything,” says Mayor Bracke. “I do not have a college education, but I knew I was an entrepreneur. I love thinking of things and making them happen.”
Multiple generations of families can reside in Opp. Babies and toddlers who are just starting their journeys in life can enjoy quality daycare while aging residents can get the medical care and physical therapy they need. The generations in between – those caring for both the old and young – can feel supported and keep their entire families close by. When kids grow up, they can attend the Lurleen B. Wallace Community College, MacArthur Campus, or receive job training to enter the workforce.
New and Existing Businesses Are Poised for Growth
The City of Opp has seen many changes in the last few decades as some businesses closed and others opened. However, the passion that residents have for the community continues to make this town a bright spot in Alabama.
When the local Wells Fargo branch closed, the local police department took over the building. Entire families stopped by to repaint it and work on construction efforts to turn it into the new local precinct. Similar efforts have been made to renovate the fire department.
The local municipal building has also experienced a renaissance. It was home to the first indoor basketball courts in the region and held countless proms and dances. After falling into disrepair and becoming a city storage space, the Mayor and local residents decided to return the event space to its former glory. It is now known as The Venue on Main and Mayor Bracke’s grandson even held his wedding reception there.
These improvements have attracted business investment. Two new stores are opening downtown this year and one of the largest tractor supply companies in the region has established its operations in Opp.
“We’re trying to give people who move here opportunities,” says Mayor Bracke. “I love trying to make Opp better and find ways to improve it.”
Opp Exemplifies the High Quality of Life in Covington County
Covington County is a great place for families to enjoy quiet, safe lives. There are endless opportunities to connect with nature, great public schools for kids of all ages, and caring communities with residents who invest in themselves. If you want to live somewhere where you know your neighbors, move to the City of Opp. If you want to find hard-working employees who are eager to move your business forward, expand your operations to Covington County. The Covington County Economic Development Commission and all of our residents are here to welcome you.
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